We have finished everything to do with our overall RSPS website, finished touches and fixing errors has been our plan since release. Now that Rune Locus has been upgraded toWordPress and our Content Team is pumping out well written and respectable quality tutorials we would like to turn our focus toourRSPS forums.

The last time we did major updates to the RSPS forum was 2012, and we feel it is the time we turn our attention to the forums once again. Starting with a fresh install of an updated forum version earlier this year. However at the cost of fixing issues and errors some of our wonderful mods & plugins such as Awards mode has been removed due incompatibility. We feel it is time to go the hunt for unique mods and plugin store ward and promote activity that RuneLocus members have been begging us to do!

As you can seeI’ve already started compiling threads & post bits from your users in a list of possible updates to do on RuneLocus’ RSPS Forum:

- User bar expansions

- Promotions & Demotions
